Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yep if you heard a squeal earlier today that was me. I just won on the Making Memories blog I still can't believe it. I was LUCKY #7. So here they post that I'm the winner and to email them so I click to write them and BAM my computer freezes and won't let me do anything. I shut it down waited turned it back on again all I got was a white screen turn it off again wait turn in on. Finally it's up and running it only took 30 min. So my POTD is the MM screen. THANK YOU SO MUCH MM YOU ROCK!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


What a fun day at CHA. 4 other girlfriends and myself spent the day looking at all the fun new papers and gadgets. I am loving the new fonts for the Slice. I must have them!!! The highlight that J is so mad about. I met Darth Vader. 025/365 D is for Darth Vader We were waiting to get in and he and his men stood right behind us. Needless to say all the ladies pulled out their cameras and trampled by us to take a picture with them. I took my picture with them while waiting to do the make-and-take by Teresa Collins . Oh so much fun!!! Can't wait to finish it with my pictures and bling.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let's relax

J is now a BOY SCOUT!!!! So proud of our little guy. He received his Arrow of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts last night. What a fun filled night. J can't wait to start going to his new meetings on Tuesday.

Today I signed both kids to play ball. This is J's first year of softball. Last year she played baseball, but most of her friends play soft ball so she got talked onto playing with them. Hoping she can handle going from assistant captain to being a newbie. J signed up for baseball again. Fingers crossed we get the same coach as last year.

After we stopped for lunch we came home and the kids relaxed while I put in my new printer. Now I have to clean my room. I just looked at the time realized I didn't take a pic. yet so here's the movie they've been watching all day. Most likely I won't post tomorrow, I'll will Monday as long as I don't do another day at CHA.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun Girls Day

Today J didn't have any school, but J did. So after V came over they ate breakfast we headed over to their school for Parent/teacher conferences. V asked of I wanted to see the Gum tree. It's cool. The whole school knows about it. I also took a few shots for the photo scavenger group I'm in. Raindrops in puddle. After the school I had to drive out to Redlands to buy a Boy Scout hat, belt and book for J. took a few detours on this trip for more scavenger photos. Church Bell, The word PARK, a pig, a bird with Blue on it, fruit stand, a fountain Now I have to go get ready for J's big night.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Missed Pics.

Tonight we are going to J's Pack party. He will be getting his Arrow of Light tomorrow. So I'll post today's picture tomorrow after the party.

But I did promise to post the pictures for the day I had missed.
015/365 Tonight is Bunco Night. The theme was "Unwanted Christmas Gift" We had so much fun S came to. Thanks to him we were the big winners. we won $55.

016/365 Let's do our Nails 38x- Yep 38 bottles of nail polish. I don't know why so many, but J loves to do her nails, so we are always looking for a new color. Our newest find was a metallic purple.

017/365 Santa Ana River-Today was so much fun the kids and I went for a hike. We went to one park that I thought the river was at but it wasn't. No loss the kids had fun playing. Then we went to the Nature Center. Right place but we didn't go far enough. I really wanted the kids to see the river so as we were driving over it on the freeway, I pulled over and took a few shots still in the car.( I didn't want to get out and look like a crazy person).
018/365 Making Ladybugs- I caught J doing her nails. She had painted red and was adding the red for her ladybugs.
019/365 I forgot- Today I forgot to take any pictures until almost 9pm. I was flipping the channels and the Kids Ball was on and so were the Jonas Brother's ( J's favorite) So here is Nick

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I've been MIA from my blog I think for a week now. I don't know why, I guess I didn't have much to say. I did still take my pictures everyday. I'll update my pics tomorrow.

Today as every American knows is a day of CHANGE. We here in the United States of America have our 44th President. Picture taken off the TV before he became President Obama. What's he thinking? He sees all the people who came to see History in the making. Is he praying? I was. _________________

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fun photo shoot

J and her friend got out of school early today. After they ate, and did homework they went outside to play ring toss. But our photo shoot was on taking pic that were forced persective. The girls had a lot of fun. We had clear skies again so we couldn't do anything with clouds but we did play with the sun. Enjoy, while I go make dinner.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Today was so busy. After the kids got off to school. I just had enough time to jump in the shower, and get ready for a full day of PTA jobs. We had Pizza w/ the Principle. Yep I got on the bus with 50 kids. That was fun. Then we had to take down the Christmas decoration in the MPR (the kids just went back to school yesterday). After we figured out the mess on the stage, we had a PTA meeting. Love those. They always go for so long. I got home at 5 and all I wanted to do was relax. J said I could play Guitar Hero. Thanks. We made a deal I wouldn't practice while she was at school. Like I have the time, but it made her happy to know I would get better. I started to make dinner and now we are just waiting for S to get home. Tomorrow I want to try and get some Scrapbooking done. And maybe play some Guitar Hero with the kids. EDITED to add J and i got to play some GH. S even tried 1 song.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First day of School

The kids went back to school today. What a nice long Christmas vacation they had. It was wired not having them home. It was quiet of course but it was also windy today so it sounded like a ghost town. Jingle (our dog) was happy when the kids came home, but she was getting mad at them when they started their homework right away instead of playing with her. I was going to take a picture of the schools, or the kids doing homework but instead I chose the American flag. We are so blessed to be able to have our children go to school. Sure the schools don't have any money. But still, where would we be without knowledge.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy B-Day Mom!!!!

If you couldn't figure it out today is my Mom's birthday. We went over to celebrate after Mass this afternoon. We were surprised to see other family there as well. 3 of her sisters and 2 of my cousins were there too. What a fun surprise for us all. We ate, talked, ate some more, laughed, had my mom open all her fun gifts. Truly it was a great day. Happy Birthday Again Mom WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I don't have a title for today. I guess it's because we did and still have to do so many different things today. J had a friend spend the night so lots of Nerf and Light Saber battles were fought. J went out to ride her bike already 3 times today. When S comes home from work we'll be taking the tree down and packing all the Christmas things away for another year. We still have to go shopping, and make cards. I did scrapbook a little, but nothing is done maybe later on tonight. Now I'm off to fold clothes.
______________________010/365 J on her bike

Friday, January 9, 2009

Leap Leap

Today was nice and quiet. J went to her friend's house and was there for most of the day. So J and I ran a few errands. First to return tickets to Office Max, then to Walmart to pick up diced tomatoes and beans. Can you guess what we had for dinner? I added them to chicken and rice. Yummy. After walmart we headed to the library to find information on dry ice. J is doing his science project on dry ice and so we need to research it. Let me tell you THEY HAD NOTHING. Walking out of the library I got my POTD. J was trying to clear the obstacle they have so a car doesn't drive into the building. It's blurry but hey I can't complain I just had enough time to grab the camera, aim and shoot.
_____ 009/365 Leap______
I played a little with it on Flickr.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Arrow Board

Well today's the day we made J's Arrow Board. He is getting is
Arrow of Light on the 23rd of this month and today was the only I was willing to drive out to Redlands. It's another beautiful day here. Not a cloud on the sky. Windows rolled down. I wish I had stopped to take pictures but I knew I wanted the board to be today's POTD. We grab the extra patches for the board and head on home. J was very excited I never got around to sewing all of his patches onto his jacket. See it helps to procrastinate. He arranged them how he wanted them and stared to glue them all down. I think it looks great if you ask me. He still wants to add the pins he has earned and then loops for his arrow. Wow I can't believe my little guy is going to be a Boy Scout in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beautiful Day

It's another beautiful day here in Sunny CA. The kids were still in their PJ's eating lunch so I sent them outside to walk the dog. Little did I know the kids had other plans. They gave the dog a bath and then took her outside for her walk to dry. They also decided to stay outside and play a game of Guess Who. I was at my computer Reading blogs when I looked out my window I saw them being oh so cute.

007/365 Guess Who

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

12th day of Christmas

Today's the 12th day of Christmas. How did we celebrate it here? J had his friend come over and they had many little mini wars. If it wasn't with their new Nerf guns it was with Light-Sabers. J also got involved. They tried to get me too but I started to take down all our Christmas decorations. The only thing left up is the bare tree. While the kids switched house to play at I went to Target to buy the new American Girl movie for J. While there I saw they still had Christmas stuff now at 90% off. They had some trees that nobody seemed to be looking at. I grabbed a box and scanned it. $2.49 NO WAY!!! I got 3 6ft trees. Don't know exactly were 2 of them are going to go maybe the front porch but for that price I wasn't going to think too much of placement.

Thinking now on my POTD I should have shot a tree, but I shot left out ammo. It's great to have the kids "play" still. I don't know how much longer they are going to be willing to be KIDS.
_____________ __________

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Nice Lazy Day

You ever have one of those days were you did some work around the house and then decided to take the rest of the day off. That's what we did. The kids woke up and continued playing a Monopoly game they started the night before and I did a load of laundry and emptied out the dishwasher. They then took Christmas out of their bathroom. It felt like we did a lot so we took a little break. J played his Dinosaur King and J when to a friends house. I started to play on the computer but it decided to freeze so I started a scrapbook page.

J and her friend came back over here and were hanging out in her room coloring and talking. You know how pre-teens talk. They want to be so cool yet they are still little kids. I loved it. So today's picture is of DD coloring in her High School Musical activity book that she got from Grandma E. -


Yesterday, Jan. 4 2009 we had a great Monopoly match between Grandpa and J. It is a well known fact in our family that Grandpa is very competitive when it comes to Monopoly. He doesn't care about your age he will take you down. The kids are also very competitive, so when we got the Electrical Monopoly for Christmas J was excited to play Grandpa. He brought it with him to Grandpa and Grandma's house on New Year's Day. But Football was the only thing on all the other guy's minds. Grandma called on Sat and said they were sorry they never got to play Monopoly and that they wanted to get together on Sun. So they came over to our house after Mass. Grandpa took a power nap while the kids and Grandma made chocolate chip cookies. As soon as the cookies were done he was ready to play. We were going to play the new electronic Monopoly but I never did read the rules on how it works so we played the Here and Now version. Grandpa bought the first houses and it was down hill from then on. J was doing great too. We all tried to land on J to die but we all ended landing on Grandpa's infamous hotels. The game ended with just Grandpa and J going head to head, but since we all landed on Grandpa he had almost all the properties. Poor J fought a good fight rolling doubles a few times to escape but you can't mess with a power nap. J ended up landing on the horrible property that we all met our fate at. What a good game! A rematch was already been mentioned, but Grandpa isn't allowed a power nap.
The Beginning
The End
What pic should I use for my POTD???

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What to do What to Do

Today it was sprinkling off and on, so the kids and I stayed in for most of the day. J and I did venture out when Jingle wanted to go for a walk. I took a few pictures but they came out better in my head then on film. J stayed in all day building his Star Destroyer. It's cool if you're into that sort of thing. He want to have if flying in his room when he's done.

I was going to take another picture of J building today but I just took his picture for day 1 so I wanted to try and take something different but just as meaningful. Like I said before I went outside I saw a tree that had all it's leaves surrounding it on the grass very cool in person, On film the house in the background took away from the shot. I saw a lone flower in our yard, took the picture-Nope So I took a picture of our new windsock. I just love angels. Protectors. This one is playing it's trumpet. Can you hear it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm a bad mom

Well today I've been the bad evil mom. I'm having the kids clean their rooms. Evil right. They have so much stuff it drives me nuts. I hate stepping on stuff when I walk in their rooms. I told them that if I step on anything it's going into the trash or to Salvation Army.

Before I unleashed my evil punishment I took a picture of our growing chart. I normally mark how much the kids have grown on their birthdays and on New Years. Well I forgot yesterday until they were already asleep in bed so this morning they got another mark on the wall.

Playing late at night

I know I should go to bed but I saw this and wanted to try:

My guy

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well it's a new year. Prayers to you and your for a peaceful and joyous 2009. We celebrated the ending of 2008 by staying home and watching some Iron Man and The Hulk. They ended just in time to have J watch the Jonas Brothers sing and to watch the ball drop.

This year started off early by heading off to Mass, grabbing a few things at Albertsons and then heading out to my folks' place. The boys watched football of course and my mom and I cooked. I made the best pumpkin-cheesecake muffins and my mom made a tex mix. It was perfect first day of the year food. B, I, and A also came over. after we ate we took the kids outside to play at "the park". They all had tons of FUN. J even conquered his fear of heights by sliding down the fire pole. WAY TO GO BIG GUY.

Okay as far as resolutions go of course I want to get in better shape and loose weight. No big surprise there. I think I did good today I only drank water, ate only 1 muffin and had a big salad w/o any dressing with my chili. But this year I also want to try and take 1 picture a day. like I said try. I know I'll sure to miss a few days even weeks but I want to capture a 2009 in a different way. So today at the park I took a few pictures::
J conquering his fear
J and A going down the slide. He's so silly. He was having a great time doing it earlier but right now all he wanted was to be held by his Mom. Looks like they're going down the Log Ride. WEEEEEEE

Swag Bucks