Saturday, December 6, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Well December is in full swing and not slowing down. Both kids had projects to do this week. We're still looking for little green army men for Jt's diaramma. We had both scouts tonight. Jo was late to his, and I had to run to the store to grab a salad for Jt's for their Christmas party. Luckly I already had something for the gift exchange.

Did a couple of LOs this week. Hopefully I can do some more on Sun after Mass. S will be at the church most of the day for Pancake breakfast with the Knights.

Hopefully the tree will go up today. I want to wash the carpets first. fun fun fun.

Here's what I've done this week:

1 comment:

  1. You've been tagged!

    Take a look at my most recent post & follow the directions the let me know when you've posted yours. =D


Swag Bucks